Grudzień przynióśł intensywne opady śniegu i bardzo intensywny czas w GiG Label.
Za nami cztery single z najnowszej płyty Shynee Return to the beginning. Pozwoliliście zabrać się w NOC, usłyszeliście LAS,a oprócz tego remixy @night600VR3M33X DJ 600V i Forrester Spear Oh.
Przed Wami kolejne spotkanie z Shynee i kolejny remix.

December brings the intensive fall of snow and a very intensive time for GiG Label.
You just heard four singles from Return to the beginning the newest album by Shynee. He took you to the NIGHT, and you heard the sounds of FORREST and two remixes @night600VR3M33X by DJ 600V, and Forrester by Spear Oh.
Soon, you will hear another single and the mysterious remix.